Category Archives: Uncategorized

On Happiness and Well-Being by Laura Novak, LCSW, CADC

In daily life, and particularly in therapy, people question how they can increase their level of happiness. Sometimes their life has an undercurrent of discontentment and they are not entirely sure what is missing. Some are unrealistic about human emotion (perhaps unconsciously thinking certain emotions – anger, sadness, fear, etc – are bad) or, some are also missing what is […]

Back to School Blues: Making the Transition Easier by Emily Hasselquist, LCSW

The beginning of a new school year is always exciting. But while the idea of shopping for school supplies and a first day outfit are fun for many children, some struggle with starting a new year. As the first day approaches, some children become can become anxious or moody.  As a school social worker for the past […]

Raising Confident Children by Emily Hasselquist, LCSW

Confidence can be a struggle for people of all ages.  Everyone has lacked confidence at some point in their life, whether during childhood, adolescence or adulthood.  Throughout my own childhood and adolescence, I remember hesitating to raise my hand in class for fear of giving the wrong answer and having everyone laugh at me.  I […]

Five Love Languages by Laura Novak, LCSW, CADC

A fun and practical book I like to use with couples is The Five Love Languages, written by Dr. Gary Chapman.  The book describes five unique ways in which people give and want to receive love in a partnership. The languages include Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Gifts, and Acts of Service. The […]

How Do I Get My Kids To Sleep In Their Own Beds?! by Leigh Ann Huffman, LCSW

I’ve never had a client ask, “How can I get my child to come into my bed more at night?”  Every family has their own routines and strategies for getting little ones to bed.  And if your’s is working for your family then enjoy.  But many families are struggling with bed time routines, getting their […]

Though Memory Fades, Love Endures -by Gayle Florian

  My mother’s hands are cool to the touch. Cold hands, warm heart, she likes to say. For her that is true. She has dementia, and though memories continuously erode away, her gracious spirit seems to expand to fill the crevices that remain. Today when I arrived to visit my mom, I wheeled her past […]

Learning More about EMDR Therapy -by Jamie Edwards, LCSW

  What is EMDR? Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a relatively new and groundbreaking therapy that has been proven effective for those who have experienced trauma and performance anxiety, as well as those experiencing other types of anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional difficulties.  EMDR is appropriate for adults as well as adolescents […]

Caring for Mother with Dementia Becomes Lesson in Mindfulness -by Gayle Florian

Alzheimer’s disease robbed my mother of much memory.  And though she is usually pleasant and gracious, the angst the memory loss causes is sometimes brutal, taking a toll on her and us who care for her.  Developing a mindful approach to her condition— not getting lost in the stress of overseeing her care, but instead […]

The Shadow of Our Strengths -by Laura Novak, LCSW, CADC

While engaged, my soon­-to­-be husband and I took a premarital class. Many years later, one comment made about marriage has continued to stick with me. This statement was so simple yet profound, and I like to share this bit of wisdom with other couples when I get the chance. The things that you love about […]